Tuesday 9 December 2014


December 9, 2014

People lose their peace whenever something has gone or is going wrong. Imagine someone whose child’s school fees is yet to be paid, and probably examinations is starting in few days, yet there is no tiny indication of whether money to pay the tuition would surface. For that kind of person, it becomes very hard if not impossible to stay calm. The person would be disturbed and angry. But while having a discussion with a friend recently, I realized there are some other set of people, irrespective of what is going on, they are always calm.

These set of people are the ones mentioned in Isa 26:3 that, “Thou (God) wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.” These set of people are too confident that irrespective of what is going on, it is under their control because they have God on their side always. In Acts 16, Paul and Silas were arrested and jailed. While in the prison, they started singing and praying, and then the prison door opened and their hand cuffs broken away supernaturally. Ordinarily, they should have just ran out immediately, but they did otherwise.

They were too sure that God could open the prison doors for them without any human intervention one million and one times. Bible says in Psa 34:5 that, “They looked unto him, and were lightened: and their faces were not ashamed.” When you know your father would be coming to pick you from school, when others are rushing for the bus, you may be sleeping because you know someone’s got you covered. Stop worrying yourself sick, start trusting God the more, because whatever it is you want, HE CAN DO!

David was too sure of victory even though he had just a sling in his hands, that he told Goliath, “You big for nothing giant, today, I will barbecue your head for vultures.” Sir, God is too big to fail or disappoint you!

Stay Calm!

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