Friday 12 December 2014


December 10, 2014

I was watching a little girl sometimes ago who was carrying a very big bowl on her head, as she was about crossing over a drainage channel, she heard one popular song playing and she turned around to see who was playing it, she had forgotten where she was. The next thing I saw was the girl on the ground. She got distracted by the song and lost sight of her steps and that was how she fell down. Distraction is a thief of achievement.

In 2 Kings 2, where Bible talks about how God took Elijah to heaven by a whirlwind. Elisha the servant also knew what was about to happen, and his one and only desire was a double portion of the anointing on Elijah to be released upon him. When his master told him, “Wait for me, I need to quickly get to Gilgal.” The young man’s song was, “Sir, where you go, I will go.” When Elijah told him he was going to Jericho and Jordan, Elisha kept saying, “We are going together.”

Whirlwind activities take seconds, meaning if Elisha had allowed himself to be distracted, maybe we won’t be reading about him today. The most common distraction is that many of us are busy looking at problems around us and this has caused us to take our eyes off Jesus. We have forgotten that the more we look at problems, the more they grow until they now seem bigger than God. Apostle Peter actually walked on the water until he began to look at the boisterous winds and waves. He got distracted by what was going on around him instead of focusing on what was before him.

It is only when you truly come to trust God that you will never be moved by distractions. Don’t take your eyes off Jesus because He is the author and finisher of our faith. The more you look unto Him, the smaller your problems become and the bigger your testimony.

Stay focused!

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylong

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