Monday 29 December 2014


December 25, 2014

Newton’s first law of motion says that when viewed in an inertial reference frame, an object either remains at rest or continues to move at a constant velocity, unless acted upon by an external force. You don’t wish a car ignites, you start it by yourself either by using the car key or pressing a button. As we celebrate Christmas today, the custom greeting is, ‘I wish you a merry Christmas.’ But like I have said times without number that if wishes were horses, beggars would also ride.

When that woman with the twelve years issue of blood in Matthew 9 said, “If I only touch His garment, I will get well,” she didn’t stop at the wish level, she took a step forward by touching, and immediately, she was made whole. This tells us that God doesn’t grant wishes, He grants desires. Therefore, I will not wish you a merry Christmas, but I pray you have a merry Christmas. May your all desires be granted in Jesus Name. Because Christ is the reason for this season, everything and anything you so desire is hereby released unto you in Jesus Name.

During and after this celebration, you will not sorrow in Jesus Name. This season will deliver to you your long overdue blessings in Jesus Name. However, the whole essence of Christmas is to celebrate Jesus, which means that without Jesus, there would be no Christmas. I am hereby imploring you to give your life to Jesus (if you have never done so before), or rededicate your life to God (should you have looked back in this Christian walk), and as you do so, your life will become an amazement to you, your family and even your enemies.

Don’t forget that Jesus came to take away the sins of the world, and no one goes to Him and remains the same. For all users of Daily Wisdom Nuggets, I say, enjoy the best of God this season!

Merry Christmas to you!

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylong

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