Monday 29 December 2014


December 29, 2014

When people have someone lying in the hospital theatre going through surgery, whether the procedure lasts for ten hours or twenty four hours, they keep waiting since the surgeons aren’t done yet. I have a word for someone today that even as we are getting closer to the end of 2014, I’d like you to know that God hasn’t finished with you yet.

Sometimes we feel there really isn’t any future again. We look back at the mistakes we have made and then we conclude that it’s all over – ‘God is done with me.’ Sometimes we feel our greatest days are behind us and as such we start living life as it comes hoping that maybe someday, things will get better. But let me assure you this morning that your happiest days, greatest days, lie ahead. I guarantee you that!

Jonah must have thought God was done with him when the fish swallowed him after he had successfully disobeyed God, but he didn’t know that God was using all of that to shape him up for what was ahead. I don’t know what you are going through, but I’d like to let you know that your case file is still before God – it isn’t closed yet. God is still working on your matter. Jacob felt bad when he heard that Joseph was dead. At that point he must have been the most miserable man in Israel.

However, one day, another news came that the dead boy was now alive. Maybe your business died sometimes ago, or that dream of yours has since been buried, or the doctor has said your case has no remedy, listen, I stand upon the word of God this morning to proclaim to you that there is hope for a tree that if it be cut down, it shall sprout again. Sir/ma, you are still in the race. Your best is yet to come. Don’t dare give up.

Keep on holding on!

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylong

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