Monday 22 December 2014


December 22, 2014

A very renowned minister of the gospel shared her story of how her father used to abuse her sexually. It was a very traumatic experience for her and this made her hate her father. The hurt and pain lingered for long until she met Christ and one way or the other, she had to let go. Today, that same abused woman is a vessel in the hands of God making waves all over the world, just because she decided to forgive her father and move on. I am talking about no other person that Joyce Meyer.

When Jacob robbed Esau of his blessing, Esau became very bitter. In Gen 27:41, Bible records it that he said, “The days of mourning for my father are at hand; then will I slay my brother Jacob.” To make matters worse, when Esau went to Isaac to ask, “Hast thou but one blessing, my father? bless me, even me also, O my father.” Isaac said, “And by thy sword shalt thou live, and shalt serve thy brother.” To console himself, Esau started nursing the thought of killing Jacob (Gen 27:42).

Do you have a problem forgiving others? Perhaps you just cannot forgive your father because he wasn’t there for you when you needed him most, and when you try to pray for him, you just switch off. Perhaps, someone mistreated you. Maybe someone you trusted with everything in you betrayed you. Yours could be that your superior never included you in his book of ‘my favorite subordinate’. You are so angry that you just want to see that person hurt, humiliated, disgraced or let down? I understand your concern, it is a global thing.

But do you know that as a believer, the mandate is for us to forgive others same way God forgives? Forgiving someone could be very, very hard – I know it, but disobedience gives you an automatic ticket and free visa to hell.

Prayerfully let go, reconcile & move on. God bless you!

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