Monday 8 December 2014


December 7, 2014

When a king says, “No one goes out today,” it becomes an order. You move out, you are moved out. About two years ago in Nigeria, there were indications of violence in most states, when the president realized things were going out of hands, he ordered a national curfew. Immediately, because the president had spoken, the military folks started patrolling and mounting road blocks for the period of curfew, just to see if there would be anyone bold enough to go against the order of Mr. President.

Ecc 8:4 says, “Where the word of a king is, there is power.” That is why the scripture says in Job 22:28 that, “Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways.” Kings issue decrees. Kings don’t talk anyhow in the public because their words are very expensive, which is why it baffles me how believers who have been ordained kings here on earth could be so cheap to go about gossiping, backbiting and talking anyhow anywhere. A king knows that his words carry power which is why he won’t go about cursing. Manifesting royalty starts from the way you talk, dress, address people and confront situations.

Before Joseph could see Pharaoh, he had to be well dressed, meaning Pharaoh was gorgeously dressed. A king cannot be seen putting on a bathroom slippers and one shabby-looking attire and comfortably walking around the street. A king cannot be seen outside fighting the bus conductor for change, even when a kings is provoked to anger, you see the chiefs calming him down. A king doesn’t worry about rumors of war, neither does challenges make him fidget, he knows that the village warriors would willingly give up their lives for his. A king won’t be at home and say, “I am in the bus already.”

Let your confessions and actions add up. As much as you are confessing to be a king, live like one.

Remain blessed!

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylong

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