Monday 8 December 2014


December 8, 2014

 In the military, if a soldiers are deployed to an area generally known as war zone, no soldier would dare say, “I can’t go to this area, I prefer this area.” The only thing I guess that soldier can do is to willingly resign from service. One of the things I like about military folks is their attitude to commands. The ultimate rule every military officer live by is, “Obey first before you complain.” Obedience is key in the race of life.

A young man who happened to be a carpenter was planning to marry a beautiful virgin. About few months or so to their wedding, the lady was found to be pregnant. The young man didn’t want to embarrass the lady, so he had it in mind to just let her go away secretly. However, a prophecy came to this man that he shouldn’t divorce the lady, but should go ahead, marry her and father the child in her. What a prophecy! The man obeyed and today, when talking about Jesus, you can never forget Joseph. It was a great honor for Joseph to be referred to as Jesus’ father.

In the book of Isa 20:2, God told Isaiah, “Go and loose the sackcloth from off thy loins, and put off thy shoe from thy foot. And he did so, walking naked and barefoot.” Verse 3 tells us the man walked naked and barefooted for three solid years not because he was insane, but because God asked him to do so. Wow! I am sure you would agree with me that the man was obedience personified. No wonder he was the one privileged to prophecy about the birth of Jesus.

Isa 1:19 (MSG) says, “If you are willingly obedient, you will feast like kings.” Go and check how King Solomon used to feast (1 Kings 4:22-23). You cannot obey God and not enjoy what God has, because who you obey determines what you command in life.

Obey! Obey!! Obey!!!

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