Friday 19 December 2014


December 19, 2014

In an arithmetic class, irrespective of how cheap or how hard the question is, you have to work it on paper to show how you arrived at your own answer. You cannot just write the equation and answer, I am sure no examiner would ever score such as good. A farmer whose farmland is so rich must till the ground, plant the crop and regularly weed off unwanted plants if truly he wants to enjoy the harvest he has labored for. Even if you drive a keyless car, you still have to do something before the car starts.

Most believers are dreamers, but hardly are we workers. Many of us have so many beautiful and colorful dreams, some have them written down, but many of us never go beyond the point of either dreaming it or writing it down. No matter how colorful your dream is, you must work it out. In John 5, Jesus healed a certain man of impotency, and this vexed the Jews. Jesus answered them, “My Father worketh hitherto, and I work.” Jesus wasn’t ready to lazy around in the name of Sabbath, his philosophy was, “If there is work to be done, let’s get to work!”

Many are still at the point of saying it. “I will do this, I want to do that.” Some of us have been saying stuffs like this for years and yet haven’t done anything. Pro 14:23 says, “In all labour there is profit: but the talk of the lips tendeth only to penury.” You have talked about what you want to do enough, please get to work. Let me shock you, if you refuse to work it, another person in your line of career or business will do, and then you will end up regretting failure to work your plans. Stop snail driving about what you want to do, get to work now! You will be dazed someone is also thinking of doing the same thing you are planning to do.

Be wise!

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylong

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