Friday 13 June 2014


June 13, 2014

As much as what you think about and what you say with your mouth matters, what your eyes can see also matter in the realization of your dream because they are all linked together. Now that you have a renewed mind and an understanding that your tongue is loaded with power, I need you to know that your eyes are essential. They are not for watching movies alone, they are meant for seeing into the future. I have seen doctors who could guess a patient’s sickness by looking into the patient’s eyes.

For you to enter into your promised land, your eyes must be trained to see well. Because of the situation around us, some people have so much trained their eyes to see evil, scarcity, failure, destruction, miscarriage, poverty, joblessness, death and all sort of negative things, forgetting that what the eye sees, the mind broods over and that is what the spirit feeds on and in turn becomes what the soul experiences.

You can go far in life, only if you can see it. You can make it only if you can see it. Until you can form the picture in your mind and see it becoming a reality, it would be pretty difficult to enjoy life the way God designed it to be. Someone said, “You cannot feature in a future you cannot picture.” God told Abraham, “For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed forever.” Abraham saw well and now we are all called seeds of Abraham.

Always note that your eyes are key in the fulfillment of your destiny. If light flashes into your eyes unknowingly, your vision gets darkened for some seconds. If impurity enters into your life through your eyes, your journey in life gets shortened and affected. Stop seeing negativity, start seeing prosperity, promotion, longevity, fruitfulness because if you can see it, you can have it.

See you at the top!

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