Monday 2 June 2014


June 2, 2014

I recently heard a story from one of my mentors about a couple who just moved to another town. One morning while having breakfast, the wife looked out of their window and saw her neighbor handing stuffs on the clothing line. The woman noticed the clothes she was hanging were all dirty so she called to her husband, “Honey, that neighbor of ours doesn’t know how to wash clothes. Can’t you see how dirty and stained all what she claimed to have washed look like.”

Day after day went by and she kept making the same comment every morning. A few weeks later, she looked out the window to observe the neighbor’s clothing line only to see that the clothes were as bright and clean as if they were newly bought. She couldn’t keep the surprise to herself, so she called the husband, “Honey, finally, that neighbor of ours finally learnt how to wash. I am sure someone must have given her the feedback.” The husband responded, “Baby, I got up early this morning and cleaned our window.”

In life, we see dirty people because we are looking at them with dirty eyes. Titus 1:15 says, “Unto the pure all things are pure.” Jesus was able to eat with the so-called republicans because He was pure and in His mind, they could be pure. Jesus was able to love the unlovable because He was love in person.

Stop finding faults around. Rev 12:10 calls the devil the accuser of the brethren.  Are you the devil? If you cannot see anything good happening around you; if you cannot see anything good in your neighbor or spouse or leaders or contemporaries, then I urge you to clean your own window. Matt 7:3 says, “And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?”

As you go about this month, avoid being critical and cynical, always remember that what you are is what you see – Fix You before you complain!

Follow on twitter @Iamhenrylong 


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