Monday 9 June 2014


June 7, 2014

In Judges 6, when Israel was greatly impoverished because of the Midianites, Bible says an angel appeared and said unto Gideon, “Thou mighty man of valor.” This statement threw Gideon into a state of confusion. He thought of the smallness of his family and must have concluded, “mighty man of valor my foot.” He was not a sinner to have thought that way because of what he has been through.

However, I have come to tell you that no matter what you have been through, you are not worthless, you are so valuable that when God finished working on you, He said to Himself, “What a perfect, wonderful, glorious product this one is.”

A well-known speaker began his seminar by holding up a new twenty dollar bill. He asked everyone at the conference, “Who would like this new twenty dollar bill?” As you would expect, all hands in the room were up. He said, I have decided to give this twenty dollar out but I must first crumple it, so he crumpled it real bad and asked, “Who still wants it?” Hands went up again.

The speaker then dropped the twenty dollar bill and ground it to the floor with his shoe. He picked up the dirty looking crumpled twenty dollar bill and asked, “Who still wants it.” To his amazement, all the hands in that hall went up.  Even though the twenty dollar bill was crumpled and dirty, that didn’t change its value. As a matter of fact, it was still worth more than a newly minted ten dollar bill.

In order words, it doesn’t matter what kind of blow life has dealt you with or what kind of pain you have been through, that doesn’t change the fact that you are still a child of God wonderfully and fearfully made and called out of darkness into the marvelous light of God. Always remember that it doesn’t matter how dirty a lion is, he remains the king of the jungle. Remember before God formed YOU, He knew YOU.

Follow on twitter @Iamhenrylong 

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