Thursday 19 June 2014


June 18, 2014

The outlook of a man is always a product of his “inlook”. In order words, a man is always a product of what goes on inside of him. Many times we think that the problem is the poor economic situation or low family background or little experience that’s always making us not see the fulfilment of our dreams. Personally I have discovered that problems, challenges, shortcomings and difficulties are global phenomena, however, it is not a problem that you have a problem, it becomes a problem when you allow your problem dictate your actions and reactions.

I do tell people that if the inside of a house is neat, most likely the outside will also be very neat, but if the inside is littered with junks, most likely, the outside will also be a junk yard. Prov 4:23 says, “Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.” If there is a place that you should always tidy up on a per second basis, that’s your heart.

If an egg is broken by an outside force, life ends but if broken by an inside force, life begins. Friends, great things always begin from inside. So also miracles. The woman with the twelve years issue of blood worked her miracle from inside out. Bible says, she said in her heart, “If I may touch the hem of Jesus’ garment.” Because that was what she had inside her, it became quite easy for her to take that step of faith by touching Jesus’ garment which put a permanent end to her flow of blood.

You need to fill yourself up with faith, positive thoughts and great optimism, so that whenever you face a mountain-like problem, something on the inside of you would tell you that, “Even though this problem is big, my God is bigger.” Always remember that what goes on inside of you is key to determining what happens around you.


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