Saturday 31 May 2014


May 31, 2014

I am sure at one time or the other, you have either asked someone, “Is there any hope?” or someone asked you. Many have been hopeful for a long time and now they are getting tired. It is not a sin because even the scripture says, “Hope delayed makes the heart sick.” However, I have come to tell you this day that it doesn’t matter how gloomy that hope of yours looks like, there is hope for you.

How did I know that? Scriptures says, surely there is an end but the expectation of the righteous shall never be cut off. In order words, the hope of the righteous will never be dashed. In 2 Kings 13, there was a burial of a certain man going on. Suddenly the undertakers saw a troop of army approaching their land. Knowing that the best form of defense is attack, the undertakers put the corpse in the tomb of Elisha and left to go attack the invaders.

Bible says in verse 21b that the moment the dead man was let down and his body touched the bones of Elisha, he came back to life and stood on his feet. I am very sure that everyone would have written him off as dead and gone, but because God has not written him off, even though he died, he had to come back to life. Zec 9:12 says, “Turn you to the strong hold, ye prisoners of hope: even today do I declare that I will render double unto thee.”

Bible says there is hope for a tree that if it be cut down, it shall sprout again. Ecc 9:4a says that, “For to him that is joined to all the living there is hope.” There is hope for you. You shall smile again. Your case file is what heaven is treating presently. Keep on holding on. Don’t get tired, don’t lose hope and don’t faint, because soon and very soon, you are going to dance for joy.

Enjoy your weekend.

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylong


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