Monday 5 May 2014


May 3, 2014

In Mark 3:1-5, Jesus entered the synagogue on the Sabbath. There he saw a man with a withered hand and He healed him. This didn’t go down well with the Pharisees who thought Jesus was doing the right thing on a wrong day. I wondered if the Sabbath was meant to be a day for perpetrating evil. But that goes to confirm to you that irrespective of what you do, some people will still condemn you.

Have you ever gotten someone a gift and the person says, “I wish you had given me the money used in buying this gift.” Or you hear, “I would have preferred a green to a yellow one.” The most difficult race to please is the human race, but the best thing you can do is to just ignore and move on. The children of Israel clamored for a King and when they got one, the children of Belial despised him and said he was incapable and incompetent, but I love what King Saul did, Bible says in 1 Samuel 10:27 that, “He held his peace.”

Sir, not everyone would like you – accept that fact! All you need do is to ignore them and go about your business. Always have it at the back of your mind that no matter how stylish an eagle soars in the sky, a chicken critics it. Some will critic you out of jealousy to make you feel bad and sad and then dump that dream, but I need you to understand that they are not going where you are going, you are going to the topmost top, so ignore them and soar on.

If they could critic and condemn Jesus who was going about doing good, yet they said he was using the power of Beelzebub, prepare to be condemned and criticized, but don’t let that stop you from going to where you are going because they are not going where God is taking you. Remember an eagle and a dove have different destinations.

Enjoy your weekend.

Follow on twitter @Iamhenrylong

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