Tuesday 20 May 2014


May 20, 2014

In this time of evil and bad report all over the news and everywhere, it becomes very hard to stay positive. There are many consultants and experts out there dishing out various things; we listen to the meteorologist who would wake up and say there would be torrential rainfall tomorrow. Another widely report would come in form of breaking news, “Ebola virus spreading faster than predicted.”

All these makes it somewhat hard for the believer to stay focused on God especially in this age that many of us like to go along with the majority. We say, “Majority carry the vote.” I understand that is valid in the political setup, but when talking about the kingdom of God, God determines who wins.

Twelve men from each tribe of Israel were commissioned to go search out the land of Canaan and to bring back a report.  After forty days of search, they came back and ten of the searchers brought a disheartening report, while the remaining two brought otherwise. Because humans tend to go with the majority, the report those ten guys brought had more effect on the Israelites than what the other two brought. However, the report of the two other guys came to pass because it was the report of the Lord.

One’s belief system influences one’s decisions. If you believe God, no matter the report a man brings, it might scare you, but you will never be moved because you understand that God’s word (report) is forever settled in heaven. Man’s report is always to dampen our hope and make us bitter whereas the report of the Lord is aimed at raising our hopes and making us better.

Doctor’s report for me recently had it that I had appendicitis, whereas the report of the Lord had it that I had “tummy-is-expandingcitis.” Whose report will you believe; man’s or God’s? Always remember that God’s report concerning you is good and not evil. His report says you are healthy, wealthy, intelligent, favored, blessed, loved, forgiven, and lifted.


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