Tuesday 13 May 2014


May 10, 2014

There is a wonderful and deep connection between relationship and destiny fulfilment. I tell people that a young man that wants to become a medical doctor but moves about with a native doctor is just kidding himself. In the journey of life, there is nothing called us, it is called, my life or my destiny. Many people are going about the same mountain for years because of the kind of relationship they keep.

In this part of the world, we assume that the number of friends you have determines how great you are. To make matters worse, a Nigeria adage says, “People are my clothes.” This has so much led to many people moving about with destiny killers and delay agents, yet romancing them in the name of not wanting to hurt them or break a relationship. Many people feel it is emotionally wrong to unfriend someone, so they keep mending and mending such relationship while forgetting about their core call in life.

Bible says in Matt 13:58 that Jesus could not do mighty works in his own country because of the unbelief of the people around Him. When God called Abraham, the first thing God asked him to do was to leave his father’s house. Abraham went out with his livestock and his family members including Lot and his family. At a point, Abraham had to separate from Lot. Immediately that was done, Bible says in Gen 13:14 that God spoke to Abraham, and opened his eyes and made him to prosper in that land. Check the kind of people you are surrounded with, it goes a very long way in determining how you think, see things and act.

If a relationship always makes you bitter, you’d better cut it off. Jesus said, every branch that does not bear fruit would be cut away. I urge you to cut off every unfruitful and unprofitable relationship around you so your journey towards destiny fulfillment can be faster and sweeter. Remember not everyone is going where you are going.

Be wise!

Follow on twitter @Iamhenrylong

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