Thursday 22 May 2014


May 22, 2014

When you know the worth of the God you serve, no matter the challenge or opposition facing you, you remain unmoved because you have an understanding that they that know their God shall be strong and shall do exploits. It is like a case of the son of an Inspector General of Police been unlawfully harassed by police officers, he need not fidget as he is aware the commander in chief is his person.

In 2 Kings 1, King Ahaziah sent captain with fifty men to go arrest Elijah for saying that the king would not come down from the sick bed but die. I am very sure the fifty men were fully armed from head to toe ready for battle, but this did not move Elijah at all. I love what he said in verse 10, “If I be a man of God, then let fire come down from heaven and consume you and your fifty men.” Bible says fire came down immediately.

Also, after Elijah was caught up into heaven and Elisha was to pass by Jordan, he understood the power of the God of Elijah, so he never worried himself about how he was going to cross, rather he took the same mantle that Elijah had used and struck the water in the name of the God of Elijah. Bible says the water parted.

An understanding of your God gives you assurance that whenever you call on Him, He will answer you. A God you do not know is not obliged to answer you. This was what happened to the seven sons of Sceva when they were trying to cast out evil spirits in the name of a God they never knew. Bible says the evil spirit tore them naked and wounded them.

Do you know the worth of your God? Do you know what He can do? Then, why fidget in the face of trouble. Always remember that no matter how big your trouble is, Jesus is bigger and stronger.

Hold on to Him.

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylong

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