Saturday 31 May 2014


May 30. 2014

I have personally experienced it in life that the fact that some people (friends, family members, colleagues and even Christian brothers and sisters) cannot do something, they go about telling others it can’t be done. As a result of this, many have either abandoned their great dreams or the zeal to pursue it has been killed.

Anyone that says, “It can’t be done,” should always be avoided. Dream killers use their words to poison the mind of the dreamer but the word of God says, “YOU CAN DO ALL THINGS..” You might not be able to do all things considering your academic qualification or background or experience or human connection or physical strength, but the word of God did not say any of these is needed for you to be able to do all things. You can do all things THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS YOU.

When Apostle Peter saw Jesus walking on water, he wished he could walk on water but he couldn’t, however, when Jesus said, “Come!” I am sure some of the timid disciples would have told Peter not to attempt it so he doesn’t end up drowned or eaten by a shark. However, Peter refused to listen to them, he stepped out, and that same moment, the surface of the water became concrete so that Peter could walk without sinking. If he had not become fearful, he would have walked to and back to the boat with the Master.

I understand that some dreams could make even the dreamer fearful, but be rest assured that GOD HAS NOT GIVEN YOU THE SPIRIT OF FEAR BUT OF POWER (to achieve your dreams and aspirations) and that GREATER IS HE THAT IN YOU THAN HE THAT IS IN THE WORLD. As a believer, the power of Christ is working on the inside of you, you are to be at the forefront of achievement and invention. Don’t let anyone talk you out of that wonderful dream of yours.

Always remember that, impossibility is nothing. See you at the top!

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylong


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