Thursday 8 May 2014


May 8, 2014

The most natural thing to do whenever we encounter challenges or troubles is to start telling people about it, mostly our loved ones. Many, if not all of them do not have any solution to proffer but would listen to you so that they can have a topic to gist about with others or use you as a case study to thank God for their own lives. A songwriter says, some people promise to help but just won’t be able to help because they also have their own pains and troubles they are battling with.

However, as believers, the most spiritual thing to do is to tell it to Jesus. Matt 11:28 says, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” At least four of Jesus’ disciples - Peter, Andrew, James and John made their living from fishing. You would agree with me that they knew of Galilee’s infamous storm, yet on one occasion, they panicked as the storm arose. They could have called on their fellow fishermen who knew better but they understood that the owner of the storm was in their boat, so they just told Him about it and He rebuked the storm.

Jesus said in Matt 28:20c that, “I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” In order words, even right in the midst of that storm, Jesus is there, your job is to tell it to Him. No matter how terrible or overwhelming the storm appears, remember Jesus is always with you, so tell it to Him. Jer 33:3 says, “Call unto me, and I will answer thee.” He is the One that has hearing ears, that won’t hear for hearing sake, but would hear to help – so stop going about telling people, tell God.

Always remember that fellow humans CAN disappoint and fail, but Jesus can NEVER disappoint and can NEVER fail. The choice is yours.


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