Monday 26 May 2014


May 24, 2014

Prayer is one of the scarcest commodity to find in the warehouse of a believer. Many of us pray when faced with troubles or challenges. I remember what my grandmother used to tell us that, “Pray so that you won’t have to pray.” In order words, there are some prayers that believers are praying today that would never been necessary if they had prayed earlier than now.

It thrills me to read that the son of God – Jesus, took time to pray during His journey here on earth. Jesus made prayer His lifestyle. When He wanted to feed the five thousand with just few provisions, all He had to do was pray a prayer of thanksgiving. You would agree with me that if Jesus had not prayed, His ministry might not have suffered any decline but He prayed just to show us that prayer ought to be our lifestyle. Luk 18:1b says, “Men ought always to pray, and not to faint.”

Prayer is not what you do when you feel like, it is what you do every time and anytime. It is meant to be the lifestyle of every believer. I have come to discover that the man that prays regularly is difficult to be preyed upon by the enemies, because prayer brings God into the equation of one’s life. Someone said that he that kneels before God regularly would never find it hard to stand before men always.

For me, prayer is an act of humility because you know full well you can’t do it all alone. 2 Chron 7:14a says, “If my people that are called by My name would humble themselves and pray.” The thing about many of us is that the moment we break free or breakthrough, we relegate prayer to the backbench. This ought not to be so, the higher you go, the more you ought to pray because the devil is seeking for who to bring down and homes to shatter and destinies to destroy. You shall not be a prey.

Enjoy your weekend.

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylong

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