Friday 2 May 2014


May 5, 2014

I have discovered that the true picture of a man is a reflection of his habit. Habits are behaviors, practices, lifestyles, conducts, etc. A thief is not a thief because he stole once, a thief is a thief because he steals.  Habit is what you have carefully registered in your subconscious.

In Daniel 6, there was a decree that any man that prays unto any God or man for a period of thirty days should be thrown into the den of lions. However, it had become habitual for Daniel to always pray three times in a day, so this decree didn’t move him. I am sure maybe he didn’t even feel like praying, but because it had become a part of him, he couldn’t do without it.

Habits don’t just happen, we develop them. If you decide to be waking up every day at 6am and you do it non-stop for thirty days, before you know what is happening, it would become a part of you that you would find it hard not to do. A repeated action eventually becomes an automatic action. God didn’t create any bad product, but what I have seen is that many of us have allowed our habitats change our habits. We say, when you are Rome, act like the Romans forgetting that the scripture says, you are in this world but not of this world.

As believers, make it a habit to pray regularly because the scripture says men (only animals are exempted) out always to pray. Memorize scriptures because the word of God on the inside of you is a booster for your faith life. Spend extended time in worshipping God. Make it a habit to always serve God continually in every decision, statement and act. Bible says by their fruits we shall know them.

Do your habits strengthen your relationship with God or pull you away from Him? Would you pray that your children have your kind of habits? Where would your habits take you to, heaven or hell?

Follow on twitter @Iamhenrylong

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