Thursday 1 May 2014


May 1, 2014

We all need success in various areas of our lives, whether you are a job applicant, a business owner, a home owner, a pastor, a teacher, a student or a full house wife. Success is sweet. Success is like magnet, it attracts good unto you. Everyone wants to associate with success. From today, success becomes your heritage. From today, failure departs from you forever in Jesus Name.

You were never created to fail. It was never God’s wish right from creation that you fail. Bible says everything that God made were good and you know it takes a successful person to make a good invention. God now said in Gen 1:26 that “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.” In order words, let us make a replica of us. You were wired to succeed right from creation.

When the children of Israel left Egypt and they saw that Pharaoh was still pursuing them, they became afraid. They told Moses that he had failed and was a big disappointment to them all, but because Moses knew that with God, it was and it is impossible to fail, he was relaxed enough to tell them to fear not. Failure is not your portion. Because God never failed, you need to always go about knowing you can never fail.

As you go into this new month, I want you to stop thinking about failure because there are just two options for you, it’s either you succeed or you succeed. Others might have failed or still failing, but remember the Bible says when others are saying there is a casting down, you shall be saying there is a lifting up. The world is waiting to hear your success story, go make it happen!

Happy New Month.

Follow on twitter @Iamhenrylong

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