Monday 19 May 2014


May 19, 2014

A professor came to class one day with a glass of water. Everyone thought it was going to be the usual “is it half-filled or half-empty?” question thing. Suddenly the professor asked what the weight of the glass of water was. People gave different answers, to which, the professor said the weight would vary. He went further to say that if he held the glass of water for 1 minute, it would not be as heavy as much as if he held it for 10 minutes. In order words, the longer he held the glass of water, the heavier it would be.

A whole lot of believers die prematurely because we hold on to some things longer than we ought to. One of those things is worry. I’ve heard that statement “don’t worry” countless number of times.  Truth is, my appearance would say “don’t worry”, but my inner world could be like a room filled with screaming children.

Come to think of it, the first thing we all do when someone tells us not to worry is to be more worried, right? Some of us are so good at worrying that having nothing to worry about becomes a source of worry for us. When you allow worry to take roots in your heart, it leads to fear and the moment fear exists in you, it becomes difficult for you to exercise your faith.

Worry makes it hard to keep our eyes on Jesus. When you look at the bill to be paid, you would want to wake up earlier than every other person. When you think about your spouse’s behavior, you would want to scream aloud. But let me make one thing clear to you, worry from now till tomorrow, the problem remains. Matt 6 said, “Worry not about anything; what to eat; drink; put on; drive or whatever.”

The best thing solution to tackle worry is seeking first the kingdom of God and God will be busy taking care of your worries.

Have a fruitful and colorful week ahead.

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylong

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