Monday 19 May 2014


May 18, 2014

Sometimes it feels like it’s too late for some things to happen for us. It is just like a sixty years old woman without a child, ordinarily and scientifically, it’s too late for her to give birth but with God, I have come to understand that it’s never too late. God is always on time.

In John 11, Lazarus fell sick and Jesus was informed. Instead of going there immediately, Jesus waited for another two days before he went to Judea where Lazarus lived. The moment Martha, Lazarus’ sister saw Jesus, she said, “Ah, Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died.” In order words, “Jesus, it’s too late for anything to happen.” “Even though I understand you are the savior of the world, as regards this case, it is too late.”

Jesus said, “Your brother will rise again.” Martha must have laughed Him to scorn before saying, “Yes, I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day. In this world, not again sir.” Martha was not unrighteous by thinking that way or saying what she said, that was the most natural thing for any man to say. She thought it was too late for a miracle to happen, however, Jesus showed her otherwise.

Sarah thought as a result of her old age, it was too late for her to give birth. Even when the angels told her she was going to give birth, Bible says, she laughed (scornfully I guess). She thought within herself, “After I am waxed old shall I have pleasure, my lord being old also?”

However, the scripture says, there is nothing too hard for our God. Even when men feel it is too late for you to come out of that pit of shame, lack, want, sickness, rejection and disappointment, maybe as a result of your age, location or qualification, relax, trust God completely because with Him, it’s not too late for a miracle to happen for you.


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