Friday 3 January 2014


January 3, 2014

Time they say is money. Time is of great essence. Employers pay employees for 8hours of work per day. However, I have come to realize that this generation has so many time thieves that before you know what is happening, you end up postponing and procrastinating and shifting until you end 2014 the same way or worse than you ended 2013.

Someone said that there is no difference between 2013 and 2014 in that seven days still make a week and twenty fours make a day. The only difference would be the one you bring on board by cherishing your time. Personally, I have experienced that when you value your time, others would do so. Some people came to Zerubbabel while rebuilding the temple of God to have a chat with him. He made it known to them that he was busy and would see them when done.

When wine ran out at the wedding in Cana, Galilee and Jesus’ mother went to tell Him to do something, He told her, “Mine hour is not yet come.” In order words, right now, I am busy. Some of us find it hard to say, “I’m busy” and as a result the devil is busy playing you around. Place value on your time. God values time a lot. You would notice a lot of, “At the appointed time,” in the Bible, because time to God is life.

Friends, you have an appointed time to live on earth, Bible says in Eph 5:16 that redeem that time, because the days are evil. Someone said you only live once. There is no time to waste around this 2014. Ecc3:1 says, “To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” Sirs/mas, the whole world is waiting for your manifestation, so please get busy and get distractors off your back. You might end up losing friends, but it is better than forfeiting your God given purpose.

You shall fulfil purpose in Jesus Name. Amen!

Follow on twitter @Iamhenrylong 

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