Saturday 18 January 2014


January 19, 2014

Many people who are meant to be great in life today are going about as beggars and little men because their dreams have been killed and buried. As a matter of fact, it is not uncommon to see some group of people whose source of joy is to see one’s dreams and aspirations shattered and unrealized.

Young Joseph in Gen 37 told his folks he had a dream. In the dream he saw great men bowing down before him. This got his folks infuriated and they hated him from that moment, so much that they planned to kill him. However, because no man can tamper with the plan of God, they were used as catalyst to send Joseph to his land of dream come true. Every plan of the enemy to destroy your dream would turn out to be for your good in Jesus Name.

Zerubbabel’s dream was to rebuild the temple; however, a whole lot of oppositions arose. In Ezra 4, some came as dream helpers but Zerubbabel was sensitive and discerning enough to know they were evil which was why he politely refused their assistance. I pray that every evil association or satanic assistance targeted at destroying your dream be destroyed now in Jesus Name.

Sir, the world needs you. Bible says in Rom 8:19 that, “For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.” You were formed and created to be a solution to your generation; as such you need to take charge of your dream else dream killers would send you to the pit and bury you for life. Apostle Paul said in 1 Cor 16:9 that a great and effectual door was opened before him, but there were many adversaries.

Some of your friends and family members are angry because of the size of your dream, but I decree your dreams and aspirations are covered with the blood of Jesus. I urge you to be more prayerful so your dreams don’t get killed. Have a fabulous time in His presence.

Follow on twitter @Iamhenrylong 

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