Tuesday 28 January 2014


January 28, 2014

A certain young man went to a very renowned and powerful psychologist. “I am tired. There are just too many problems for me to solve. I want to get through with every bit of them. I don’t want any more problems – ever. Please help me.” The psychologist answered him, “I have a solution.”

He continued, “the othx er day, I was at a certain place to consult, the head man of that company told me that there are a hundred thousand people, and not a single one of them has a problem.” The young man cut in with some high enthusiasm, “Wow, please take me to this place.” The psychologist answered him, “It is the cemetery.” The man walked away.

That is the truth, only dead people don’t have problems or challenges – they are dead. Problems make life interesting and for some of us profitable. Sir, if some people don’t have problems, some other set of people would be broke today. If there weren’t sick people and sinners for Jesus to pray for and forgive respectively, then His ministry would have not been fruitful.

When believers are faced with one problem or the other, they quiver and run away forgetting that greater is He that is in them than the problems of the world put together. Jesus even said in John 16:33 that, “In the world ye shall have tribulation (difficulty, problems, distress): but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” In order words every problem contains the seed of its own solution.

I have come to realize that when God wants to lift His child up, He gives him a problem to solve. Joseph solved famine problem. Moses solved the persecution problem. David solved the Goliath equation. Jesus solved all manners of problems. For every problem you are passing through, there are others passing through it as well. As you are jobless, others are. As you are always looking for a good mechanic, others are too.

Father, make me a problem solver from henceforth in Jesus Name. Amen!

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