Thursday 16 January 2014


January 17, 2014

For the word remembrance to be effective, the word forget had to be in existence. At one point or the other, we have met some very important set of people who we thought if only they remember us, things would be better than it is now.

Naturally, humans are wired to forget, not just things but their fellow man. In Gen 40, while in the prison, Joseph interpreted the dreams the chief butler and chief baker for free, but only demanded that the chief butler make mention of him to Pharaoh so he could be released, but the man forgot him for two solid years. So, let me tell you that your uncle, aunty, brother, sister or anybody can forget you.

The only person that can never forget you is the Almighty God. Isa 49:15 says, “Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee.” In order words, no matter who has forgotten you, God said He will never forget you. Divine remembrance brings you to limelight. When you are divinely remembered, it becomes your turn to rejoice.

In Gen 32, Leah and Rachael were married to Jacob, yet Leah could bear children but Rachael couldn’t. However, in verse 22, Bible says, “And God remembered Rachael, and God hearkened to her, and opened her womb.” Rachael would have remained a barren had God not remembered her. When God remembers you, things begin to work for you for the best. No wonder, Rachael gave birth to the best among Jacob’s children.

Hannah would also have remained a barren had God not remembered her as stated in 1 Sam 1. In Exo 2, Bible says because of change in power in Egypt, the children of Israel came under severe bondage, but the moment God remembered them, He quickly hired Moses to help them. By the power in the name of Jesus, God will remember you for good today in Jesus Name. Amen!

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