Friday 31 January 2014


February 1, 2014

Someone said it is one thing to have eyes; it is another thing to have seeing eyes. Recently, I played a game – Treasure hunt. At the final end of the hunt, there were two teams close to the treasure location – my team and another. The map indicated that the treasure was in the library but the library was not in the open. After going round and round for some minutes, suddenly, I saw the library and that was how my team emerged the winner.

In Gen 21, Hagar was at her lowest point in life. She had a little child with her and she was out of water. Out of frustration, she threw the baby under one of the shrubs and went afar just so she wouldn’t witness the death of the child. Bible says in verse 17 that after she cried, God heard her voice and in verse 19, God opened her eyes to see a well of water.

The well was there all the while but her eyes were not opened to see it. The moment she saw the well, her health and vitality got restored. Elisha’s servant was disturbed when he saw the host of army encamped against them in 2 Kings 6, but the moment the Lord opened the young man’s eyes and he saw the host with them, I am sure he would heave a big sigh of relief.

When God open your eyes, you labor less. When God open your eyes, you fear less. When God open your eyes, you go to the right place at the right time. When God open your eyes, you see aright. When God opened the eyes of Moses in Exo 15:25, a solution came to the bitter water problem in Marah. When your eyes are opened, you see what your mates cannot see, and you become empowered to do what they cannot even attempt to do.

In this season, your eyes would receive illumination from heaven in Jesus Name. Amen!

Follow on twitter @Iamhenrylong 

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