Thursday 9 January 2014


January 10, 2014

Most times the source of our frustration and confusion is that we ask the wrong person the right questions. Some of us can be likened to a stranger in a city asking for the direction to the palace from a blind man. We know God has hearing hears but prefer asking google for the answers to the questions of our life.

In Genesis 25, Bible says Rebekah conceived and suddenly the children in her womb started struggling. She has never felt like that before, but instead of going to ask Keturah (Abraham’s wife) who has been pregnant before, Bible says in Gen 25:22 that she went to enquire of the Lord and the Lord explained what was happening to her.

I’d like to tell someone today that God has answers to all questions if only you dare ask. Remember the popular scripture in Matt 7:7 that, “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” Many of us quote it but just few of us do it. Have you ever taken time to ask God why what is happening to you is happening?

It got to a point that David was confused as to what to do in 1 Sam 30, but he understood that God can never be confused, so he asked the Lord what to do and God answered him. Sir, I tell you that the reason why you are confused as to what to do with your life is because you have not asked the one that gave you that life what is happening. I love children a lot because they can ask any question, and I mean, any question.

Sir/ma, humble yourself before God and ask Him questions. Ask Him who to marry; what job to take; where not to go; who not to roll with and all. Every question you ask God from today receives answer expressly in Jesus Name. Amen!

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