Wednesday 8 January 2014


January 8, 2014

I remember when I was in college and I used to find it hard solving arithmetic questions, however, there was a guy in my class then whose source of fun and entertainment was solving arithmetic questions. For him, no calculation was hard to crack. For Sarah and Abraham, it was a very hard thing to imagine giving birth at such old age, but it wasn’t for God.

After Sarah finished laughing at God for saying she would give birth after she was way past menopause, God told Abraham in Gen 18:14 that, “Is anything too hard for the LORD? At the time appointed I will return unto thee, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son.” In Gen 21, Bible says that God visited Sarah at the set time as He has promised and she conceived and gave birth.

Luke 18:27 says, “The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.” With man, it was impossible for a virgin to get pregnant, but it wasn’t for God. With man, it was impossible for the mouth of a fish to become a bank, but with God, it wasn’t. With man, it was impossible for five thousand men to be fed with just five loaves of bread and two pieces of fish, but with God it was more than possible.

Friends, I don’t care what you have gone through or going through that looks like an immovable mountain before you, with man, it might be hard to get the trouble off your way; with man it might be hard to have that debt paid off; with man it might be hard for you to become prosperous this season; but I have come to inform you that with God, victory is certain.

Bring it all to God and I pray that whatever looks hard for you to solve is by the power in the name of Jesus sorted forever today. Amen!

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