Tuesday 28 January 2014


January 29, 2014

In life, I have observed that until you are tired of a low life, you won’t strive towards becoming successful. As long as you keep managing the situation, every part of you takes it that you are having a swell time and your subconscious goes on sabbatical, however, the moment you wake up and say, “I can’t take this no more,” every member of your body gears into action in order to move you to the next level.

In Gen 27, Bible says Jacob mischievously took Esau’s blessing. The blessing of that day made it that Esau would serve Jacob, but in verse 40 (NKJV), Bible says, Isaac blessed Esau and said, “It shall come to pass when you become restless (tired of your low life), that you shall break Jacob’s yoke from your neck.”

In order words until you become uncomfortable and sad about your present situation, change might not come. In 2 Kings 7, there was great famine in Samaria. Suddenly a decree came that things would change, but the change came only because four lepers became tired of just living from hand to mouth. They said to one another, “why sit we here till we die?”

In the book of Esther 3, a decree was made that any Jew seen should be killed. When Esther heard this, Bible says in Esther 4:16c that Esther said “I will go in unto the king, which is not according to the law: and if I perish, I perish.” In order words, enough is enough. It’s time for change.

Are you tired of your low life? Then get serious and cry out to God in prayer. Your cry of enough is enough would go farther when you have said enough of a sinful life.  Job 22:23-30 says when you embrace holiness, you will be prosperous and your prayers would be answered faster. These entire time that you have been lying and gossiping and fornicating around, has your life gotten any better? Enough Sir/Ma.

Follow on twitter @Iamhenrylong 

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