Tuesday 14 January 2014


January 14, 2014

Many times we live our lives as if we have all the years to ourselves. It is so painful that many a lot of us are doing today what we should have done years back all because we thought, “there’s still time to do that.” Unfortunately, now we can see that there really is no time.

Some patients with terminal diseases were asked what their top two regrets were. Their first regret was, “I wish I had lived a life true to myself.” Countless souls are wallowing in littleness and poverty all because they are trying to live up to the expectation of others for them. Sir, Rom 12:2 says, “And be not conformed to this world.”

You have just one life to live and you know what – it is your life and not the life of your folks or friends or fans. Bible says Jesus went about fulfilling purpose because He knew His days were numbered. Little wonder why Jesus’ three and a half years of ministerial work looked like a hundred years achievement because Jesus had a plan for each day. Stop living to impress people, live to fulfil purpose. Stop living a fake life.

Be true to yourself. Psa 90:12 says, “So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.” In order words, when you live with a mentality that your time is limited, every minute would count, and then you would apply your heart to wisdom. Sir/ma, money is recoverable, time isn’t. I tell people time is life. Time wasted is destiny wasted. Each day is raw gold waiting to be mined.

Every rich man lives with a time scarcity mentality while poor people live as if they have all days. Someone keeps chatting silly with you for an hour and you say you enjoy chatting with him/her, sir, I pity you. You can only be twenty once. Age thirty comes just once. Make the most of your life. Be wise with your life. I pray that you

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