Saturday 20 April 2013


April 20, 2013

Recently I watched a movie titled Pride featuring Terrence Howard and Bernie Mac. It is a movie about some troubled, downtrodden teens been enlisted into the first African – American swim team and compete in the state championship meet. On getting to the championship venue, every other person was white except the black team. This made them lose their first challenge.

On getting back home, their coach – Terrence Howard looked at all of them and told them that “You wanna know what I know, it is that you are a team of some talented Negros but there is something inside of you that made you lose – fear and intimidation. But I know that you can make it because you are a better team.” The rest of their championship feat is history as they won the championship despite all barriers they faced.

Today I am come to challenge someone into believing that you are not limited unless you limit yourself. You are not disadvantaged unless you disadvantage yourself. You are not a weak one. Your academic qualification might determine the type of job you get but it doesn’t determine where you get to in life. Dan 11:32 says “but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.

You are permitted to fail or lose, if the God you serve can fail or lose. If your God is Elshaddai the Almighty God, then you can never fail. My brother, my sister, please if you have written yourself off before as a no fit,  if you used pencil to write it, erase it off now and if you used a pen, please burn the paper now because YOU CAN MAKE IT. YOU CAN BE WHO YOU WANT TO BE.

There is no mountain too high for you to climb. There is nothing called impossible. Matt 9:23 says “all things are possible to him that believeth.” The first thing is to believe you can have whatever you want to have.

Psa 24:1 says “The earth is the LORD'S, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.” The simple interpretation of this is that, you can make it in life as long as you are God’s property. Say with me “I refuse to be limited; I refuse to be downtrodden because I can do all things through Christ in Jesus Name. Amen!”

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