Thursday 25 April 2013


April 25, 2013

One attribute of God that I like so much is that He is the God of all possibility. Whenever am been confronted by a mountain like task or challenge, the first thing I tell myself is that all things are possible with God.

I understand the fact that sometimes, looking at our current circumstances, it might be prett difficult to accept the fact that all things are possible. In the book of Luke chapter 1, an angel appeared unto a priest (Zacharias) to inform him that his wife was going to bear him a son. This was too much for Zacharias to bear especially going by the fact he was an old man and the wife was way past menopause.

Ordinarily, one would have expected that as a priest, he should have stronger belief, but he was a man like you and I and that goes to tell you that the sizes of our issues and challenges sometimes makes us forget the size of our God and what He can do.

Also, God’s friend – Abraham, had same issue. His wife’s menopause  was beyond what a remote control could autoplay and this made the wife find it difficult to comprehend when the angel came to tell them that they were expecting a baby.

I have come to tell you that there is nothing called difficult when it comes to dealing with God. Our friend Job lost all that he had and ordinarily it was difficult if not impossible for a man in such a dilemma to make a comeback, but because God was involved, Job did not only make a comeback, he made a loud and interesting comeback.

With man, it might be impossible, but with God, all things are possible. Erase impossibility from your mind. All things are possible, as in ALL THINGS. In the all things is a new job, a new car, a new home, a loving spouse, breakthrough, success, favor etc.

For you, all things shall be made possible for you in Jesus Name. Amen!

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