Tuesday 16 April 2013


April 16, 2013

I have been younger, and I am still young, and I have never seen a bird die of too much flying or heard a fish died from drowning because it swam too much. I have never seen a lion die of too much roaring. The reason why God sent you to planet earth is to fulfill purpose, you are to discover the purpose and die fulfilling it. Anything outside that purpose becomes an abuse of purpose. You have heard it that when the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable.

Every creature created by God has a natural habitat where it functions to the best of its ability. Where is a bird’s natural habitat? Of course in the air. What about a fish? In the water, right? Birds display amazing abilities when they are in the air. They do so many wonderful stunts. Fish swim gracefully when immersed in water.

Fela Durotoye said God’s greatest desire is for you to do for a FEE, what He created you to do for FREE.  Your success is in your natural place of habitat. A fish will only die of frustration trying to compete with a bird in the air. A lion that wants to compete with a fish in the sea will only be sending an invitation to death. Imagine Michael Jordan asking to compete with Usain Bolt in a 100m race. He would only be inviting shame and disgrace into his destiny.

For each and every one of us, God has endowed us with one gift or the other which is called our natural habitat. The question is what makes you tick? What makes the bug inside of you leap for joy? What gives you Goosebumps? I have a friend that business makes him sleepless – that’s his natural habitat. Some of us can write in our dreams. Some people can sing inside the deepest water and the birds of the sky will dance.

Seeth a man diligent in his business (not in another’s business), he shall stand before kings and not before ordinary men. Dwelling and growing that natural habitat of yours brings you great fortune and makes you great in life.

As you dwell and grow your natural habitat, God will begin to open supernatural doors for you in Jesus Name. Amen!

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