Monday 8 April 2013


April 7, 2013

Rights are things you are allowed to be, to do or to have. You are entitled to marry. You have the right to be paid for the work you do. You have the right to food and a safe place to stay. There are many human rights that we were all taught one time or the other. However, there are spiritual rights also which if you do not know, you will become an object of reproach and shame in the hands of the enemy.

I usually hear people around me especially when they feel they are been cheated say “I know my right o.”  If you do not know your right, you will never get it right in life.

Let’s start with the right to good health. You have the right to be healthy always. Bible says in 1Peter 2:24 that by His (Jesus’) stripes, you are healed. That means that unless Jesus was not beaten, that’s the only condition for you to fall sick. You have been healed before sickness came into being. As such, you must not be a permanent patient in the hospital. You are not allowed to spend your income treating one sickness or the other.

Your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and not an abode for cancer or diabetes or fibroid or whatever thing that goes by the name sickness. Every sickness tormenting and ridiculing you is roasted by fire today in Jesus Name.

You also have the right to prosper. Wealth is your birthright. 3John 1:2 says that “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.”  You must be prosperous. It is your father’s desire for you. You are not to borrow, you should be a lender. You are the child of the one that created riches, therefore you must be rich. It is a taboo for the son of a fashion designer to be wearing rags.

You should not be complaining of lack of cash, you should be complaining of what to do with cash. You are not allowed to be poor. You are not permitted to live in penury. Say with me “WEALTH IS MY BIRTHRIGHT!”. Amen!

Every spiritual right that you have been robbed of shall be restored unto you in thousand folds in Jesus Name. Amen!!! Every spiritual blessing that you have the right to, shall be released unto you speedily in Jesus Name. Amen!!!

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