Thursday 4 April 2013


April 4, 2013

Recently there was a building project that I was meant to supervise part of the construction work. I realized that the initial plan of constructing a particular size was deviated from, so I discussed with the engineer in charge of the project. He gave me one million and one reasons why the initial design could not be done; there is no much space; the available fund won’t be enough etc. I swallowed all his excuses and the construction work continued.

Suddenly the decision maker of that project came and said he was disappointed in me for allowing the construction guy build a “toilet” instead of a standard building. On giving him the excuse the guy gave me, he clasped my head in his two hands and screamed “ENLARGE YOUR MIND.” He took me to the site and on discussing with the guy, more spaces were gotten and new things surfaced. He said guys, look around you, there are enough land space for the construction of anything.

Today, I am telling someone that there are vast opportunities all around. One of my friends- Henry Ford (winks) said that “If you think you can, you are correct, if you think you can’t, you are also correct.” It is possible for you to be chained, you could be tortured, as a matter of fact, your body could be destroyed and you will still be a sound man – as a long as your mind is not imprisoned.

Bible says that “ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!!!”

That minister of finance in 2Kings7 was limited by his mind and ended up losing his life. The essence of life is a sound mind. Without a sound mind, you cannot live a sound life. Noah did not see any need for building such a big ark but he refused to hinder divine plan with his mind.

Friends, am urging you this day to just enlarge your mind, think possibility, think life in the grave, think prosperity in famine, think joy in sorrow and the moment you start doing this, you will be dazed how ideas and solutions start surfacing.

I decree that your mind receives divine regeneration in Jesus Name. Amen!!!

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