Sunday 28 April 2013


The second thing that happens when God is ready to reverse the irreversible situation in the life of a man is that He initiates a discussion. He will ask a question and you will answer and then the two of you will begin to discuss.

He will ask you questions like; “Can these bones live? Can this be ever possible? Can this ever come to reality? You will suddenly feel questions coming from the inside of you. Can I ever be healed? All that is needed at that point in time is just the grace to say the right thing.

Our God is a relational being. In Gen 18:9, when Abraham had a divine visitation. The next thing that followed was a discussion. They asked him, Where is Sarah thy wife? He responded, Behold in the tent. This question where is Sarah thy wife means where is your greatest challenge? Where is that which makes you worry the most? Where is that promise that is yet to come to pass?

God is asking someone this moment, where is that problem that you consider irreversible in your life? What is it that you want? I pray that you give him the right answer.

Look at what happened between Jesus and blind Bartimaeus. Jesus saw the man was blind, but because when the time for a seemingly irreversible situation to be reversed has come, a discussion ensues. Jesus asked the man, what do you want me to do for you. For goodness sake what else would he have wanted?

In John 5:6, Jesus saw a man that had been sick for 38 years and asked him, “would you be made whole?” A simple question it was but it had very big implication if not answered properly. That’s the same way God is asking someone today, “are you ready for your miracle?” I thought I was going to hear your thunderous Yes Lord!

What do you want God to do for you today? What dry area of your life do you want Him to turn around, why not ask Him now and I am sure that you are next in line for a miracle in Jesus Name. Amen!

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