Friday 10 October 2014


October 11, 2014

If there is a very challenging time for humans, I guess it is the time we are in. For some, their issue is terrorism, while for some other set, it is a case of outbreak of deadly diseases. Some are battling with unemployment while some are battling with poverty. Each time one watches CNN and other local news station, you often hear news about natural disasters, wars, bombings, kidnap cases, armed robbery incidents and other disheartening and demoralizing things.

It therefore becomes very hard (not impossible though) to do what you have been called to do especially putting all the facts and figures together. I hear people with bright business ideas tell me no one is ready to fund them. You hear sisters in the church tell you they feel becoming wayward seems be to the way to pin a man down for marriage. Some young men would say to you that considering how hard it is to make money now, they have to either beg, burgle or borrow to make ends meet.

With all of these and more, I am sure you would agree that we need God more than ever before. John 15:5c says, “For without me (God) ye can do nothing.” Needing God more means relying on Him more than ever before to give us safety, wealth, health and all of our desires, after all He promised He will be a Father unto us, and we shall be His sons and daughters (2 Cor 6:18). And Matt 7:11 says, “If ye then (talking about humans), being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, HOW MUCH MORE shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?”

Safety, wealth, peace of mind and joy outside of God doesn’t and won’t last for long. If you need them to last for life, then you need more of God because He is the only One that neither has a beginning nor an end. He is everlasting!


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