Monday 20 October 2014


October 19, 2014

Faith is having confidence that no matter what might be happening around, all will be well. Many unconsciously practice this wonderful principle of living by faith but when it is time to consciously live by it, fear sets in. If I may ask, have you ever bothered to check the four legs of the chair you always sit on in church if it is always complete? Maybe not, ‘cos in most cases, we believe that the ushers would have done the check.

However, the scripture has made it clear to us that one of the characteristics of a just person is living by faith. In Mark 10, when blind Bartimaeus was asked by Jesus to come after persistent cries, and Jesus asked what he wanted. The blind man said he wanted his sight restored. The disciples could still remember how Jesus restored the sight of another blind man in Mark 8 and would have been expecting something similar but Jesus told Bartimaeus, “Go thy way; thy faith hath made thee whole.” Immediately the blind man went his way, he received his sight.

When Jesus told one of his people to go to the sea and that there would be money in the mouth of the first fish that is caught for them to pay tax, if the guy had decided to reason it out, he might not have gone because come to think of it, there was nothing that said it was a fish that would first come up (it could be a crocodile or a snake), and even if it was a fish, how would money get it into the mouth of that fish without the fish dying? But the guy knew that the person saying go, has the whole world in His hands and could do anything, so He went and so it happened.

Sir, living by faith most times makes you look foolish and insane, but listen to me, the reward and testimony generated turns you to a celebrity.

Remain blessed.

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylong

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