Wednesday 1 October 2014


October 1, 2014

If there is one sin that most of us consciously and unconsciously commit, it is the sin of ingratitude. It starts with our daily meals, majority of us do not even take few seconds to just give thanks to God for the food we have to eat forgetting that some people do not have to eat while some have to eat but cannot eat. We are always like a little child that his mother’s friend gave him an orange. The boy’s mother asked him, “What do you say to her?” The boy thought about it for a while and then said to the woman that gave her the orange, “Peel it.”

We are in an Oliver Twist era. We always want more which is why when we want something and it seems not to be forthcoming, discouragement and frustration becomes the order of the day. What we always forget to remember is that the things we now have are among the same set of things we once hoped for. As believers, we should be grateful each day because it is a commandment from Christ when He said in all things give thanks. For a child of God, thankfulness is not a festive thing, it is a daily task.

Shift your focus from what you do not have, start focusing on the things you have. That is the secret of happiness. You might not have what you wish to have but you now have what you never had before – things are changing. Do you know some people wish they could have what you have no matter how terrible you think it is? Remember some are in the prison wrongfully, but you are not. Some buy oxygen just to breathe but you get it for free. Be glad you can buy used clothes, some haven’t seen N200 for weeks and some are walking naked around town.

Be grateful always because it is the first sign of a thinking, rational creature.

Happy New Month and Happy Independence Nigeria!

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylong

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