Friday 3 October 2014


October 4, 2014

Like I clearly pointed out, most of the people that are busy running after money most times end up not having as much as they desire. This might want to make some people think that sitting on the same spot, waiting for that day that heaven would rain down money is a sure way to get rich. Personally, I have discovered that there is a principle that makes making money easier and faster which is becoming a problem solver.

Praying morning, afternoon and night might not bring you wealth, but I tell you sir that anyone (whether righteous or unrighteous) that consciously solves the problem of others would NEVER lack money. Biblically, Joseph amassed great wealth for himself and Pharaoh by solving the problem of hunger for the inhabitants of Egypt and other neighboring countries. The Bible records it that even when the people had no money, they had to give their lands in exchange for the solution that Joseph had to their problem.

Money sir/ma, is not always a free gift but it is always a reward for a service rendered. There are various issues around your community, state, country and even continent. The odds are that for someone close to you to have such problem, it means there are still some other people you don’t know who have same problem. The one that takes the initiative to solve that problem becomes the one that would be rewarded with money and more money. Dominos solved the problem of home delivery of pizza and today, the brand is fast expanding.

You can now do your shopping without leaving the comfort of your homes and offices through online stores. They are solving your problem and in turn making their money. Scripture says give and it shall be given unto you. If you refuse to give, you will never get. The more solution to human problems you give out, the more profit (pressed down, shaken together and running over) you will get.

Be wise!

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylong

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