Tuesday 7 October 2014


October 6, 2014

Naturally, no father would ever love a disobedient child. You can imagine having a child that is always going about town causing trouble and breaking people’s head, whereas his father happens to be a lawyer or medical doctor. However, our heavenly Father has a different perspective. As a matter of truth, He is more interested in people who have one flaw or the other. I do tell people that God is interested in people with a messy life to show them His unimaginable mercy.

I am always thrilled each time I read the story of the woman that was caught in the middle of adultery. When the accusers brought her to Christ, they didn’t bring the partner she was committing the adultery with (after all, one person cannot commit adultery without a partner). When Jesus saw her, He was moved with compassion immediately and told the accusers to stone her if and only if they have never sinned. (John 8) This goes to show that no matter how dirty you might think you are, or people think you are, Christ loves you that way.

On another occasion, Jesus was seen eating in the house of a tax collector. Ordinarily, tax collectors were seen as dubious and chronic sinners but because Jesus has said that He has not come to call the righteous but to bring sinners to repentance, he never bothered whether he was eating food made from bribe money. May I tell you that God doesn’t hate you, He only hates the sin you are meddling with. Never forget that you are the reason why Christ died, so if God hates you, it means the horrible death of His only begotten Son would be in vain which is “impossicant”.

God is not interested in you dying a sinner. Scripture says the entire heaven rejoices whenever a single soul comes to repentance. The loving arms of Christ are wide opened, don’t leave them hanging. Embrace the love of Christ.

Peace be with y’all.

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylong

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