Friday 10 October 2014


October 9, 2014

A pattern is like a way people do things and it keeps going on and on for years. Before now, I used to write down my beautiful ideas and in most cases, I would file the ideas and that ended it. Execution never happened. I thought about everything and I realized that my father used to do same thing. When I was growing up, I discovered so many bright ideas written down but filed away in his drawer. Those ideas never saw the light of day and I tell you, they are obsolete now.

Sir, whether you believe it or not, there are some things (good or bad) that you are doing that you unconsciously inherited from your either your father or mother or both of them. In my own case, the bad one I inherited was fear of what if it doesn’t work. I was always scared of doing what needed to be done because I didn’t want to be tagged a failure. Maybe Solomon might not have become a lover of too many strange women but looking at his parental pattern, you will discover that his father loved women.

Seeing his father’s lifestyle, Solomon took it to the highest level. Bible records it that Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines. This eventually led to his destruction despite the colorful future he had. Sir, if you will not break that deadly and dangerous pattern, it will not allow you become the best God created you to be. Maybe yours is the wrong mindset of resources are scarce or money is only found in the mouth of the lion or whatever wrong pattern it is.

The scriptures says, “Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.” To shock you, since I broke this pattern, I can’t remember failing, I can only remember learning and progressing. If the pattern or lifestyle didn’t make your father or mother a better person, please break it before it breaks you.


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