Tuesday 7 October 2014


October 7, 2014

Someone said if you don’t have a dream, then you don’t have any expectation. In the event that you now have someone like Bill Gates as your biological father, I am certain your dreams would make other little friend of yours feel intimidated because you would want to play it big because your father is big. Right? It becomes very easy for me to dream of becoming a governor if my father is a kingmaker in the state where I want to contest.

As believers, we have a loving Father whose wish above all things is that we prosper and be in health even as our soul prospers. To crown it all, we have a Father who has the heaven and the earth in His hands. As a matter of truth, Bible says that with our Father, ALL things are possible. In order words, no matter how big your dream is, you have a Father who can make it come to pass.

That your dream is not coming to pass is not because God cannot make it come to pass, it is because you don’t believe enough. The moment Peter saw Jesus walking on waters, he dreamt it and as long as he believed the word of Jesus that he should come, he started walking on waters but the moment his “beliefometer” reading dropped, he started sinking. Maybe your dream is so big, it gets you scared sometimes, don’t thrash it, trust in the power of the Almighty to help you.

It is a crime or maybe an act of stupidity and mediocrity to ask for a bicycle on your birthday when your father happens to make airplanes. God is interested in showing His mightiness through you and I, but He cannot do anything without you asking (Jas 4:2). That dream of yours can and will happen if and only if you will just believe that God is able to do all things.

Your big dreams will come to pass because you have a very big God.

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylong

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