Tuesday 7 October 2014


October 5, 2014

Can you imagine what an unemployed and desperate young woman would do, if asked by an employer during the final stage of a job interview to sleep with him? I tell you sir, it takes the grace of God for that woman not to do it especially considering she needs the job and come to think of it, no one would know. On a daily basis, we are always faced with circumstances that would require we stand our ground in God or shift base especially as related to our personal or spiritual values.

A young man by the name Esau in Gen 25 came back home one day from the farm famished, he was almost fainting. Suddenly, he saw his younger brother with some red pottage garnished with correct crayfish. Before he could be given a small portion, he had to sell his birth right to his younger brother. This wasn’t something he wished to do, but because of the situation he found himself, he had to shift base and that did cost him his future. Peter promised to be with Jesus no matter what but when he saw death face to face, he denied the master.

On the other hand, in Gen 39, a young man with good prospect was presented with a so called juicy opportunity when the wife of the most powerful man in Egypt – Potiphar asked him to sleep with her. He knew that if he slept with her, he would be highly placed in the palace and well respected but he said, “because thou art his wife: how then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?” For Joseph, as much as he would have loved to have the queen as his sugar mummy and godmother, the fear of God in him made him stand his ground.

No matter what you are faced with, do not compromise with sin. Temptation will come but remember God has given you enough strength to stand your ground.

Remain blessed!

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylong

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