Monday 20 October 2014


October 18, 2014

This era is a fast paced era; fast food; fast cash; fast cars; fast track services, fast relief from headache or backache and so on. It is a world where everything is fast and instant. As a result of this we have come to expect fast and instant responses to every desire and need all the time, we always have a time tracker for everything – this must happen so so day, and whenever this doesn’t happen, we christen Messiah a slow God.

But guess what, God doesn’t operate that way. He is never in a hurry and He is never slow. He is always right on time. Before Lazarus died in John 11, the sisters quickly sent an instant message to Jesus informing him on the state of Lazarus. Jesus loved Lazarus, as such, Mary and Martha expected instant response as many of us would. However, Jesus did not show up until after another two days, in the course of which Lazarus had died and has been buried.

By the time Jesus got to Lazarus’ place, the sisters were angry and one of them said, “Lord, you are late. Your timing is just so wrong, ‘cos if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died.” In her mind, she felt Jesus shouldn’t have delayed in coming but when Jesus rose Lazarus from the dead, she realized Jesus was not late after all. He arrived at the precious moment necessary to fulfill the purpose of God.

Jesus is never late. His timetable for action is simply different from ours. When wine ran out in Cana, his mother rushed to him expecting instant miracle, but Jesus responded by saying, “Madam, relax, there is a time and season for everything and my hour is not yet come.” God’s timing is perfect.  He intervenes at just the right moment for our ultimate good. Instead of giving you the bread you need now, He waits for the perfect time to give you a bakery.

Be patient when dealing with God.

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylong

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