Thursday 23 October 2014


October 23, 2014

Have you ever gone to anyone for loan and the first thing you hear is, “So, how much do you have already?” In order words, most times when we are requesting for help, part of the resources needed has been made available to us, but many of us have been programmed to see what we do not have instead of seeing and using that which is at our disposal presently. Whether you agree with me or not, you have something in your hands that could start you up in life.

When Prophet Elijah told the widow of Zarephath to go prepare the last meal for him, I wonder what the woman must have been thinking. The woman was correct to have said she just wanted to prepare the last meal for her household and then die, but she must have realized that whatever one has in his hands that cannot meet your need is a seed. From that story, we realize that as believers, the resources needed for our transformation have already been placed in our hands. The issue is if we would be willing and obedient enough to heed instructions, knowing full well that only the willing and obedient shall eat the good of the land (Isa 1:19).

Because the woman obeyed, Bible says in 1 Kings 17:16 that, “The barrel of meal wasted not, neither did the cruse of oil fail, according to the word of the LORD, which he spake by Elijah.” She had excess. As read yesterday, God is only compelled to prosper that which is in your hands, which is why I pity lazy people and folks who are always complaining of having nothing in life. The disciples thought there was nothing until five loaves of bread and two fishes became sufficient to feed five thousand people.

If you feel you have nothing, as long as you are alive and you have God, you have much ‘cos one with God is majority.

Keep winning!

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylong

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