Wednesday 1 October 2014


October 2, 2014

God’s desire is for you and I is to live a life that is beyond what every other normal person out there experiences. His desire for you is to live a life that is beyond what people of the world experiences, it is a desire for you to daily experience the supernatural power of God. Supernatural means superior to the natural. It is natural for a woman to give birth but supernatural for a sixty years old woman to give birth.

In this last quarter of 2014, may I tell you that what God has in stock for you are things that are beyond human comprehension or forecast. As a matter of truth, they are beyond your own imagination. When the supernatural begins to happen, you suddenly turn to a superhuman so much that people start asking you to take them to your God. However, it is worthy of note that for you to enjoy the supernatural, you have a role to play. It is like owning a weapon of mass destruction, you need to program it before it can work as designed.

What am I to do to provoke and enjoy the supernatural? Your faith is the activation button for the supernatural to begin in your life. When God asked His people to walk round the wall of Jericho, as awkward as it sounded, if they had refused to do it, the wall would never have fallen. When Jesus asked the ushers at that wedding in Cana to start serving the “water”, had they refused to serve, the water might not have turned to wine. When the prophet told Naaman to go wash himself in that dirty stinking river, had he refused to go, he would have died a leper.

Faith doesn’t always make sense but the product always make lot of sense which is why Jesus said with your faith, you can move mountains. If you want to enjoy the supernatural this season, you need to be a man/woman of faith.

Keep soaring!

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylong

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